Before you can get started with development, there’s a bit of setup to do. Please follow the steps below carefully so that you won’t have any issues down the line.

Log into the dashboard

Login to the Kombo dashboard. You should have received an invite via email but if you didn’t, reach out to your team members or to Kombo directly via Slack/Teams

Kombo Dashboard

Scope configuration

The scope config allows you to set which models and properties will be included when reading data from Kombo. Additionally, when your customers create an integration, they will only be prompted to grant permission to read the properties included in your scope config.

To understand more about this feature and how to use it to evoke a great first impression with customers, read more here

Go to the scopes overview and click on “New config” or “Edit” an existing one.


Select the data models that you need and click on “Save changes”.

Editing scope config Saving scope config

Integration configuration

Go to the tools overview and select/deselect all tools that you want to offer. You can change this at any time.

You can also select if you want to enable newly released tools; on average Kombo adds one tool per week.

Integration configuration

Set up a linked account for development

To call the API you always need to have a linked HRIS account to pull and push data from. You can either use our built-in mock integration to get started quickly (recommended), or get yourself a sandbox via a free trial.

To use our built-in sandbox, go to the integrations tab and click on “New integration”, selecting Kombo Sandbox as your tool.

Create integration Select kombo sandbox

What you see now is the so-called connection flow. Customers will see the UI when connecting their HRIS to your product via Kombo. You can preview the various connection flows of the different tools on the tools page.

Click “Continue” and “Set up integration”.

First Image DescriptionSecond Image DescriptionThird Image Description

Click on the tile that just appeared to get to the details page of the integration.

Integration details

On this page, you can find all info related to the integration. For now, you will only need the integration ID.

Integration details 1.png

Set up webhooks

Webhooks are a fundamental part of your Kombo implementation. There are multiple different webhook types for different purposes (you can find all of them here) but setting them up always works the same:

Go to the webhooks tab

Webhook tab

Create a webhook, give it a descriptive label, enter the URL, and select the desired type.

Create webhook

Send a test webhook by clicking the test button

Test webhook

Later on in this guide, we will talk more about the most important types of webhooks, but you can find an all-encompassing overview on our webhooks page

Create Kombo API key

Go to the Secrets tab and click on “New API key”.

Secrets tab

Name the API key and click “Create API key”.

Create API key.png

Copy the token and store it somewhere safe.

Create API key.png

Test your setup

🎉 You made it through the setup and have everything in place to get started developing 🎉

To verify you set up the sandbox integration and API key correctly, try the following HTTP request to the “get integration details”-endpoint

curl --request GET \
  --url{integration_id} \
  --header 'Authorization: <api_key>'

You can also use any other endpoint like “get employees” or “get legal entities”. The Sandbox integration will return you some sample data for it.

Optional: set up Postman collection

To make development easier, we recommend setting up a Postman collection. It takes only one minute and can be done like this:

  • Copy the link of our OpenAPI schema:
  • Open Postman, and click Import 1376

  • Paste the URL and click Import

    Postman URL.png Postman Collection.png