If you’ve gone through the general Kombo Connect documentation, you’ll know there are different ways of using the flow. Our embedded flow provides the most seamless experience to your customers but also involves some engineering on your side. In this guide, we’ll go over what that means exactly.

Implementing the flow

The embedded flow requires you to:

  • Add an endpoint to your back-end for initiating the flow
  • Add a button to your frontend to show the flow to your user using the SDK
  • React to a flow being completed through the “activation token” returned by the SDK or by listening to a webhook

Let’s go over each of these steps in detail.

Adding the endpoints

Both endpoints are mostly just wrappers around endpoints of the Kombo API and mainly exist for security reasons (so that malicious actors can’t set up arbitrary integrations in your Kombo environment).

Initiating the flow

The first one initializes the flow by calling the Kombo API and returns a link that we then use in the frontend:

Node.js (Express + Axios)
app.post('/integrations/kombo/init', async (req, res) => {
  // TODO: Get user details from your database
  const user = await getUser()

  const response = await axios.post(
      // These details help identify which company an integration belongs to
      end_user_email: user.email,
      end_user_organization_name: user.company.name,
      end_user_origin_id: user.company.id,

      integration_category: 'HRIS',
      headers: {
        authorization: `Bearer ${KOMBO_API_KEY}`,

  res.send({ link: response.data.data.link })

Reacting to the flow being completed

After your user completes the flow, you can retrieve the integration details and store them in your database for future use. There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. By using the “Get integration by token” endpoint
  2. By listening to the integration-created webhook

Option 1: Using the endpoint

The activation token is returned from the frontend after the user completes the integration flow. You can use this token to retrieve the integration details via the “Get integration by token” endpoint and store them in your database.

Here’s how you might implement the activation endpoint:

Node.js (Express + Axios)
app.post('/integrations/kombo/activate', async (req, res) => {
  const response = await axios.get(
      headers: {
        authorization: `Bearer ${KOMBO_API_KEY}`,

  const integrationId = response.data.data.id

  // TODO: Store the integration ID in your database


Option 2: Listening to the integration-created Webhook

Alternatively, you can set up a webhook endpoint on your backend to listen for the integration-created event that Kombo sends when a new integration is created. This webhook contains the integration ID and other relevant details, allowing you to associate the integration with your user in your database.

Here’s how you might set up the webhook endpoint:

Node.js (Express)
app.post('/webhooks/kombo/integration-created', async (req, res) => {
  const integration = req.body.data

  // TODO: Verify the webhook signature for security purposes

  // TODO: Store the integration ID in your database


Adding the button

For now, we’re all set on the back-end side, so let’s switch to the front-end:

Here we’ll have to add a button that lets your users start the flow. Most of our customers already have an “Integrations” page within their product’s settings. If you do, too, then that’s the perfect place to add the button.

How exactly you’re going to do this will depend on your tech stack, but it’s probably going to look something like this:

Right now, we require you to specify the integration category when initializing the flow, so you’ll likely want to label your button accordingly (e.g., “Connect HRIS” or “Connect ATS”).

When a user clicks on the button, two things need to happen:

  • An integration link has to be retrieved through your endpoint
  • The embedded flow has to be started

Here’s what the first part might look like:

async function getKomboConnectLink() {
  // Note: The URL below points to *your* API and could be different
  const response = await fetch('/integrations/kombo/init')
  const data = await response.json()

  return data.link

Opening the flow

Now it’s time to actually show the flow to the user. This can be through the @kombo-api/connect JavaScript library. It’s tiny (about 50 lines of JavaScript as of now) and basically just initializes an <iframe> to display the flow.

Let’s, first of all, add it as a dependency to our front-end:

Then, import it like so:

import { showKomboConnect } from '@kombo-api/connect'
Can’t use npm packages or imports?

You can also load the library from the unpkg CDN:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@kombo-api/connect@1/dist/index.js"></script>

This makes the library available globally as KomboConnect.

Reacting to the flow being completed

After the user completes the flow, you’ll receive an activation token. This token can be used to retrieve the integration details from Kombo. Depending on the method you choose (activation endpoint or webhook), you’ll handle this token differently.

If you’re using the activation endpoint, send the token to your backend:

async function activateKomboIntegration(token) {
  // Note: The URL below points to *your* API and could be different
  const response = await fetch('/integrations/kombo/activate', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({ token }),

If you’re using the webhook method, you don’t need to handle the activation token on the frontend. Instead, the webhook will notify your backend when a new integration is created.

Putting all together

Now it’s time to put it all together:

// You can call this whatever you want (just attach this to your button)
async function connectHris() {
  // We wrote this function earlier (make sure to import/include it)
  const link = await getKomboConnectLink()

  const activationToken = await showKomboConnect(link)

  // Not necessary if you're reacting to the `integration-created` webhook
  await activateKomboIntegration(activationToken)

And that’s it! You’ve successfully embedded Kombo Connect!