
Example 1: start_work_incapacity matches the AU start date of the health insurance

The response will inculde the AU from 26.04. to 30.04.

Example 2: start_work_incapacity is after the AU start date of the health insurance

The response will inculde the AU period, which is containing the start_work_incapacity date. The AU response will be from26.04. to 30.04.

Example 3: start_work_incapacity is before the AU start date of the health insurance

If the health insurance has no starting or running AU for the specified start_work_incapacity date it will check 5 days into the future. In this example the response will report the AU from 26.04. to 30.04.

Example 4: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity date matches one of the AU periods

The response will include the AU matching the start_work_incapacity date. In this example the response will be from 26.04. to 30.04. The AU from 28.04. to 10.05 will be returned on a follow up request with the start_work_incapacity date set to 01.05.

Example 5: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity date matches both of the AU periods

The response will include both AU periods.

Example 6: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity date matches one of the AU periods

The response will include the AU matching the start_work_incapacity date. In this example the response will be AU-period 2 from 28.04. to 10.05. The AU period 1 (from 26.04 to 30.04) will not be included.

Example 7: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity date is between the start dates of both AU periods

The response will only include AU period 1 from 26.04. to 30.04.

Example 8: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity date is before both start dates of the AU periods

If the request was sent before the AU period 2 was available for the health insurance (e.g. on the 27.04.), the response will only include AU period 1 from 26.04. to 30.04. Otherwise the response will include both AU periods.

Example 9: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity date is before both start dates of the AU periods

In this example the start date of the AU period 2 is exactly 5 days after the start_work_incapacity date. Therefor the response will only include AU periods 1 from 26.04. to 30.04.

Example 10: Delayed eAU processing

If the health insurance has no AU for the available for the start_work_incapacity date it will respond with flag_current_work_incapacity = 4. After receiving the AU on the 29.04 (within the 14 day window) the status will update and return the AU from 26.04. to 30.04.

Example 11: Two AU periods - Delayed eAU processing of the first AU

Due to technical issues (e.g. internet outage at the doctor’s office) the first AU-period was not processed until the 29.04. The status for the request on the 27.04 will be flag_current_work_incapacity = 4. On the 28.04 the follow up certificate will be available and the status will be updated to the AU from 28.04. to 10.05. This finalizes the eAU request and the initial AU will not be returned.