eAU examples
Common eAU requests and their responses.
Example 1: start_work_incapacity
matches the AU start date of the health insurance
Example 2: start_work_incapacity
is after the AU start date of the health insurance
date. The AU response will be from26.04. to 30.04.
Example 3: start_work_incapacity
is before the AU start date of the health insurance
date it will check 5 days into the future. In this example the response will
report the AU from 26.04. to 30.04.
Example 4: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity
date matches one of the AU periods
date. In this
example the response will be from 26.04. to 30.04. The AU from 28.04. to 10.05 will
be returned on a follow up request with the start_work_incapacity
date set to 01.05.
Example 5: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity
date matches both of the AU periods
Example 6: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity
date matches one of the AU periods
date. In this
example the response will be AU-period 2 from 28.04. to 10.05. The AU period 1 (from
26.04 to 30.04) will not be included.
Example 7: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity
date is between the start dates of both AU periods
Example 8: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity
date is before both start dates of the AU periods
Example 9: Two AU periods - The start_work_incapacity
date is before both start dates of the AU periods
date. Therefor the response will only include AU periods 1 from 26.04. to 30.04.
Example 10: Delayed eAU processing
date it will respond with flag_current_work_incapacity = 4. After receiving the AU
on the 29.04 (within the 14 day window) the status will update and return the AU
from 26.04. to 30.04.